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A full length documentary on Home Education.


This documentary presents home education as it is.


What this film is not.


It is not an educated guess or hunch or second hand evaluation.

Its aim is not to criticize the formal systems of education nor a means to support a particular methodology on home education nor is it a way to elevate home educators for what they achieve or become.


What this film is.


It is a means to peel back the layers of this lifestyle and reveal the essence and soul.


It is a credited source which will answer questions, by showing and revealing the heart of home education from the perspective of those who live this lifestyle and pursue this path. 


It is a visual experience portraying what people wrestle to grasp about the world of families who choose this lifestyle. 


It is a glimmer of hope for those who are currently home educating and unsure of how to go about it.


It is a valuable resource, with different perspectives and truth, presenting home education as it truly is. â€‹



the film
The facts


Why we made this film and what we hope to achieve

The aim is to create a visually beautiful film that is real and true and captures the essence of this lifestyle from an “inside the story perspective”.

Highlighting the common thread that runs through the vastly different parenting styles, cultures and world views. 


We trust it will answer questions, bring clarity to wrong interpretations and provide a glimpse into the heart and soul of home education. 

We trust it will portray something wholesome that will inspire and rebuild.

Many people don’t know what home education truly is, many questions are asked and because it is so diverse, multifaceted and done so differently by each and every family, the questions are difficult to answer fully. It is because of this that more often than not, misconceptions are formed.


Inaccurate perceptions contribute to, among many other things,  the reasoning for some of the freedoms the government wish to control with regards to Home Education. 


The heart of home education is set on having the family as the natural and most nurturing environment for inspiring a love for learning, developing character, building worthy values, encouraging creativity and working through things together.


We hope that many questions are answered and that this film will be a light in the jumbled and confused realm of forever wondering. 

The mission


How, Where and Who


This parenting choice, is far too diverse and broad to simply explain in words.

We needed to go deeper and we thought the best way to do so was to follow some home educating families into their homes and across the country in order to capture the essence of what it is truly like, through the medium of film.


Two families, the Johnsons and the Stuckens invite you into their/our homes and take you across South Africa to meet others who choose this lifestyle as an alternative to the norm.

The film is about their/our journey.  


What makes it even more interesting is that the film makers are part of these two families, so it is coming from an insiders perspective.


We started a crowdfunding campaign which was supported so beautifully, this enabled us to travel across country to capture a wider perceptive. 

We traveled to Homeschool expos, Unschooling conferences, into peoples homes, to group events and interviewed as many families as we could fit into a 2 hour long film. trying our best to give everyone a voice to explain what it is they do and why. 

Different world views, cultures, parenting styles.


We spoke to well known names in Home Educating circles, people who were part of the battle to legalize home education in the 90's, people who are at the forefront of new movements, children, teens and young adults who were home educated, even second generation homeschoolers who are now home educating their own children. 


And through this we give you our take on the experience and what we learnt through it all.


An absolute blessing to be able to go on this journey and be a part of such a special project. We hope that it uplifts and builds our audience. 






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